• Projectinformation

Wild pleasure

Präsentation neuen Wurst "Wilde Dreikantige" mit LHStv Pernkopf und LAbg Schulz vor einem Roll up der Genuss Region Weinviertler Wild
Der Vorstand der Genuss Region Weinviertler Wild bei der Veranstaltung Wein Wild Weinviertel 2022 im Schloss Eckartsau.
Die Veranstaltung Wein Wild Weinviertel 2023 im Schloss Wilfersdorf, viele Gäste und Jagdhunde sind am Vorplatz des Schloss Wilfersdorf zu sehen.

The “Wilder Genuss” project brought great attention and awareness to hunting in the Weinviertel through the development and implementation of the new format “wein.wild.weinviertel”. A total of 5,000 visitors were reached when it was held three times (2021, 2022 and 2023). During the review of the 2023 event, it was decided to hold this format again in 2024. This means that the event has achieved sustainable development.

Through the development of the new product “Wilde Dreikantige” with the help of the HTL for food technology in Hollabrunn and the public event “wein.wild.weinviertel”, the participating game processors and marketers as well as the hunting districts in the Weinviertel region strengthened their own regional production and increased their added value. In addition, new customer groups could be addressed.

The planned game enjoyment events in the catering industry fell victim to the corona pandemic, as did the specialist excursion. However, the specialist excursion will still be carried out after the end of the project, as contact with the Gesäuse-Wild gourmet region was established as part of the project.

A number of promotional materials were produced for the club. A total of 50,000 flyers at wein.wild.weinviertel as well as rollups and beach flags. Furthermore, a total of 6 pieces of banners were produced that can be used sustainably.


The Weinviertler Wild gourmet region has established itself as a contact point for all those involved in hunting. It represents both the hunters and the game marketers and represents an important link to the gastronomy industry.

Projektträger: GenussRegion Weinviertler Wild, Hollabrunn
Projektlaufzeit: 07.04.2019 - 29.09.2023

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