We’ll help you realise your ambitions
You have an idea?
You’ve come to the
right place!
The LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost supports concepts designed to make your community or the eastern Weinviertel a more attractive and liveable place.
We’ll help you with project development, funding and put you into contact with the right people for your concept.
Together, we’ll create fresh impulses in the eastern Weinviertel.
This is what we are committed to in the LEADER team
Fields of action at

Regional value enhancement
Business.Impulses | Workplace.Living
Tourism.Experience | KOSTBARES Weinviertel

Conserving our natural and cultural heritage
Developing.Natural space | My.Weinviertel
Breathing Life into Cellar Lanes | Culture.Diversity

Promoting the common good
Agile.places | Community.strengths
Family.Worklife | Intermunicipal.Collaboration
An excerpt of our projects
Project overviews

Our LEADER Region Weinviertel OST
This is where we are at home.
Achieving more together. In line with this motto, 58 communities from the Mistelbach, Gänserndorf and Korneuburg districts have joined forces to improve quality of life in the region. Building the LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost together!
The LEADER method know no boundaries, with its impact being felt throughout the Weinviertel region. We’re working in partnership with our three neighbouring regions. By building a sense of community and promoting knowledge sharing, we hope to achieve innovative regional development.
We're stronger together!
General address
LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost
2120 Wolkersdorf, Resselstraße 16
telephone : +43 (2245) 21230 - 10
e-Mail: leader@weinviertelost.at