• Projectinformation

LEADER Cooperation Lower Austria

Lower Austria is the northeasternmost state of the nine states in Austria. It contains 18 LEADER regions which are working together since many years. To strenghten this cooperation a common cooperation-project was developed. Sharing experiences how programmes and projects can be implemented best, joint learning-sessions as well as developing and using networking-structures are the most important issues this project is focusing on. But there are also some other challenges: to emphasize best-practice-methods, to ensure regular information-exchange with responsible authorities and networks on national and european level and - last not least - to increase the quality and efficiency of the implementation of the European LEADER Programme on local and regional level.


The project LEADER Cooperation Lower Austria consists of a set of different meetings, workshops, seminars and excursions which are open for LAG-managers as well as official representatives of the involved Local Action Groups (LAGs). Coaching- and consultation-modules complement the programme. Together the 18 LAGs of Lower Austria also intend to raise awareness on rural developement measures and activities and to highlight practical experience and lessons learned for further programming-activities. This is why also an overview about the achievements in this 18 regions and the supraregional significance of the LEADER Programme 2014-2020 should be provided finally.

Projektträger: NÖ LEADER Regionen, Ottenschlag
Projektlaufzeit: 31.05.2016 - 30.05.2019

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