• Projectinformation

Development and implementation of a protection zone for the cellar alleys in the large community of Wildendürnbach

Eine Luftaufnahme vom Galgenberg in Wildendürnbach, weiße Presshäuser in zwei Reihen.
Kellergassen Waldstätten in Neuruppersdorf, eine Kellerzeile auf der rechten Straßenseite mit Birkenbäumen im Vordergrund.

Cellar alleys are a cultural asset of the Weinviertel. The significance lies in the homogeneous overall picture with the many charming construction details. Unfortunately, many of these ensembles suffer from “architectural sins”. A protection zone for the Kellergasse provides a legal basis for substance protection in your own Kellergasse. The aim is to preserve established structures in the Kellergasse, to enable contemporary use, to prevent the demolition of historically valuable cellars and to counteract changes that are not wanted. The Kellergasse in Wildendürnbach was named the most beautiful cellar alley in Lower Austria in 2013. For this reason, preserving their shape is particularly important. As part of the LEADER project, a protection zone is to be established not only for the Kellergasse in Wildendürnbach but also for the Kellergasse in Neuruppersdorf and Pottenhofen.

Projektträger: Gemeinde Wildendürnbach, Wildendürnbach
Projektlaufzeit: 20.03.2024 -

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