• Projectinformation

LEBENS.wertes Weinviertel - A region as an attractive and modern living space!

With the project “LEBENS.wertiges Weinviertel - A region as modern and attractive living space!”, The LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost has set itself the goal of further increasing the quality of life in the eastern Weinviertel. The population survey on the Weinviertel habitat, carried out from March to May 2021, showed that there is a need for action within four major subject areas: Village and city life must become more attractive for young people, because cool young people in the Weinviertel strengthen their ties to their homeland in order to avoid permanent emigration. The extensive range of leisure activities has to be brought to the fore. The work of volunteers must be given greater support. And the location factors in the 58 municipalities should be further improved, especially in the context of working with newcomers and the bonding of those who have emigrated to their homeland.

Projektträger: LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost, Wolkersdorf im Weinviertel
Projektlaufzeit: 19.12.2021 - 30.12.2024

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