• Projectinformation

Cellar alley protection zone Falkenstein

Kellergasse in Falkenstein, bunten Kellerhäuser rechts und links der rot gepflasterten Straße.

A protection zone for the wine cellar alley is key to a legal basis for protection of the grown structures of our cellar alley. It is about keeping grown structures, making contemporary use possible, preventing demolition and unwanted alteration. The wine cellar alley of Falkenstein has unique colourfull painted cellars. You can find natural tones in yellow and green as well as traditional lime white cellars. A picturesque sight with the ancient castle of Falkenstein in the background, which should be protectet as a cultural good in the „Weinviertel“ of lower Austria.

Projektträger: Marktgemeinde Falkenstein, Falkenstein
Projektlaufzeit: 20.03.2024 -

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