• Projectinformation

Cellar alley protection zone Pillichsdorf

Kellergassen von Pillichsdorf, mittig eine Straße, am rechten Straßenrand stehen nebeneinander Presshäuser. Im Vordergrund steht rechts und links ein grüner Laubbaum.

Cellar alleys are a cultural asset of the Weinviertel. The significance lies in the homogeneous overall picture with the many charming construction details. Unfortunately, many of these ensembles suffer from “architectural sins”. There are a total of 241 cellars in the extensive Pillichsdorfer Kellergasse. This makes it one of the largest contiguous cellar alleys in Central Europe. The original map of Pillichsdorf, created in 1822, already shows ~150 cellars and press houses. The origins of the Pillichsdorfer Kellergassen probably date back to the 16th and 17th centuries. reach back. A protection zone provides a legal basis for substance protection. The aim is to preserve established structures in the Kellergasse, to enable contemporary use, to prevent the demolition of historically valuable cellars and to counteract changes that are not wanted. The aim of the protection zone is to preserve the uniqueness of Pillichsdorf's historic Kellergasse.

Projektträger: Marktgemeinde Pillichsdorf, Pillichsdorf
Projektlaufzeit: 20.03.2024 -

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